City Museums and Multiple Colonial Pasts
14 – 15 September 2018, Warsaw (Poland)
Click here to read the workshop agenda.
The key objective of the ‘City Museums and Multiple Colonial Pasts: Setting Methodological Framework’ workshop organized within the framework of the ECHOES project is to discuss and receive feedback on the premises of research to be carried out at three city museums:
• Amsterdam Museum (AM)
• The Shanghai History Museum (SHM)
• The Museum of Warsaw (MW)
The research will be carried out in close collaboration with three associate museums and fouracademic partners:
• The University of Aarhus (AU) – leader of WP1, responsible for overall theory and methodology in the ECHOES project; working now at WP1 keywords: re-emergence, repression, removal, reframing, and decolonization.
• The University of Amsterdam (UvA) – co-leader of WP3, feedback on overall research design and implementation as well as research on the Amsterdam case study,
• Fudan University (FU) – feedback on the Shanghai case study and on museum and heritage studies,
• The University of Warsaw (UW) – leader of WP3, responsible for the overall WP3 research design, its coordination and implementation, and research on the Warsaw and Shanghai case studies.
Specific aims of the Workshop:
• to introduce all involved researchers, practitioners and external experts to each other;
• to discuss the concepts of multiple colonialism, postcolonialism and decolonization in relation to Central and Eastern Europe;
• to discuss recent trends in urban heritage and city museums;
• to discuss the ECHOES keywords (reemergence, repression, removal, reframing, prepared by the researchers of WP1) in relation to the specific aims and challenges of WP3 (see our keywords section for more information);
• to discuss some premises and techniques relevant to city museum research with museum practitioners, experts not involved in the ECHOES project and the ECHOES researchers.
Click on this link to read a short summary report on the workshop.