Re-emergence of colonial heritage in today’s art and curatorial practices in the contexts of Bristol, Cape Town and Marseille
19 – 20 December 2018, Marseille (France)
The key objective of the Artists and Citizens Methodological workshop organized within the framework of the ECHOES project is to gather artists, associations, heritage practitioners and researchers to discuss the handling and uses of heritage in the cities of Bristol, Cape Town and Marseille.
The research carried is in close collaboration with one museum, three academic partners a and an institution. These include:
• The University of Aarhus– leader of WP1, responsible for overall theory and methodo-logy in the ECHOES project; working now at WP1 keywords: re-emergence, repression, re-moval, reframing, and decolonization. Includes Nick Shepherd, with is associated to WP5.
• The University of Rennes 2 –-leader of WP5, responsible for the research on case stu-dies Bristol and Marseille, and for the coordination, and reflexion on methods and implementa-tion of overall WP1 conceptual framework.
• The University of Warsaw– leader of WP3, responsible for the overall WP3 research design, presenting here how overall methodology has been implemented in Warsaw case study.
• The Mucem – institutional partner of WP5.
• Artists and associations – that work in Bristol, Marseille and South Africa and are en-gaged in heritage practices that perform transfers and entangled relations between Europe and ex-colonies.
Specific aims of the workshop and it’s programme along with the abstracts can be found here.